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ARecruit Our Students

BYU tries to make finding the right candidates for your corporation simple and straightforward. Because students may use different methods for finding a job, we will try to give you the most comprehensive approach for connecting with the right candidates.

University Career Services


Handshake is BYU's web-based career placement system that connects you with your ideal job or intern candidate. This site will open your position advertisement to the largest pool of students including students from other technical majors like information systems and information technology. It will also give you access to interns and alumni.

The site allows you to post job descriptions, access student resumes, make interview decisions, add contact information, and view your interview schedule. It provides you with student resumes in an online book format, which permits you to search for specific skills or experiences.

Access the system by going to Handshake.

Career Fairs

The University holds general and technical career fairs twice a year-once at the beginning of fall semester and once at the beginning of winter semester. Typically, computer science students are encouraged to attend the technical career fair, although a few may be interested in the general fair. Each fair hosts hundreds of recruiters, including some of the industry's most noted tech companies. Recruiters are given a chance to meet with potential employees, hold company information sessions and luncheons, and conduct on-campus interviews. For more information about the upcoming Engineering and Technology Career Fair, contact Lloyd Hawkins or Jane Cunningham. For information about the general career fair, please visit the BYU careers website.

Refining Your Search

BYU can give you access to a variety of potential candidates including interns, recent graduates, and alumni. To refine your search, identify the type of candidate you are looking for:

  • Recent graduates - These individuals are most easily found through Handshake or LinkedIn. Contact Marvel Perez with questions.
  • Alumni or experienced workers - Visit the BYU alumni website. Here you may post jobs; check out the alumni database that holds information for more than 380,000 people; and advertise your company.
  • Interns - See the web site at Handshake.
  • International hiring - Contact Richard Ang, (801) 422-7253 or