Department Positions

Department Chair: Mike Jones

Associate Chair: Bryan Morse

Associate Chair: Mark Clement

Center for Animation Director: Kelly Loosli

Undergraduate Coordinator: Amanda Hughes

Faculty Undergraduate Advisor: Daniel Zappala

Undergraduate Advisor: Yannick Fitu (Students with last names A-J)

Undergraduate Advisor: Lynnette Nelson (Students with last names K-Z)

Graduate Coordinator: Xinru Page

Director of Belonging & Advising (Also Grad Advisor) : Jen Bonnett

Department Business Manager: Erin Rowan

Department Office Manager: Katie Gneiting

Contact Information

Phone: (801) 422-3027

Fax: (801) 422-0169




BYU Campus Map | Google Map
The Computer Science Department office is located in 3361 TMCB
(the James E. Talmage Math & Computer Science Building)