Student Profile
Bachelors Enrollment: 1347
Masters Enrollment: 80
PhD Enrollment: 40
Average GPA
Bachelors: 3.48
Masters: 3.58 (entering GPA
PhD: 3.82 (entering GPA)
Minority Representation
Undergraduate: 15.21%
Graduate: 28%
Number of Countries Represented: 27
Undergraduate Statistics (2020 Graduating Class)
Average Starting Salary
Bachelor: $82,000 - $85,000
Language Skills
Bi-lingual: 63%
Languages have included: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Q'eqchi, , Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tahitian, Thai, Welsh
In a recent survey, most of our recent graduates reported that they had a job or graduate school plans upon graduation.
Student Training
Languages taught in program: Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, Javascript, SQL, Assembly, Scheme
Topics included in the curriculum: Internet Programming, Operating Systems, Business, Linux, Security, Software Systems Design, Database Modeling, Graphics and Design, Systems/Networking, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Applications Development, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, and Bioinformatics
Student Resources/Organizations: ACM, Unix Users Group, Ruby Users Group, Game Developers, and Women in Computer Science
Some companies that recruit our students:

- Adobe
- Apple
- Bank of America
- Boeing
- Cingular
- Dreamworks
- ExxonMobil
- Hewlett Packard
- General Electric
- General Motors
- Goldman Sachs
- Intel
- L-3 Communications
- Lawrence Livermore National Labs
- Lockheed Martin
- Lucion Technologies
- Micron
- Microsoft
- Motorola
- National Instruments
- National Science Foundation
- Navair
- Novell
- Omniture
- Pixar
- Raytheon
- Sandia National Labs
- Sony
- Symantec
- The Pentagon
- The United Nations
- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
- Walt Disney Animation
- Yahoo!
Some graduate programs that accepted our students:
(During the years 2007 to 2020)
- Brigham Young University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Georgia Tech University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Princeton University
- Stanford University
- Yale University
- Harvard
- South Methodist University
- Purdue University
- University of Utah
- UC Irvine
- University of Central Florida
- Gonzaga University School of Law
- University of Colorado
- Northeastern University
- University of Wisconsin
- John Hopkins University
- University of Indiana
- University of Maryland
- UC Santa Barbara
- University of Vermont
- Oregon State
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign