
Michael A. Goodrich received his PhD at Brigham Young University in 1996 from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department under the direction of Dr. Wynn Stirling. Following graduation, he completed a two year postdoctoral research associate position at Nissan CBR in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His doctoral work was in intelligent control, and his post-doctoral research was in computational models of intelligent human behavior. He spent one year as a research assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Brigham Young University. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science at BYU.


Mike's research interests include human-robot interaction, bio-inspired robot swarms, multiagent systems, and artificial intelligence. His lab is the Human-Centered Research Lab. More information can be found at the lab's LinkedIn page. Mike's google scholar page has most publications from the lab, and a complete list of publications by date is available here.


Man with Safety Googles, Second Man in Background Holding Model Plane
Human-Computer Interaction and Software Development
Neural Connections and Computer Chip to Display Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Wesley Borden
Niranjan Dawadi
Puneet Jain
Nicholas Hyrum Smith
Research Assistant, Mid-level
Katherine Greer
Research Assistant, Leadership
Zach York
Research Assistant, Mid-level
Logan Shields
Research Assistant, Mid-level
Kayla Ou
Research Assistant, Mid-level
Adeline Lin
Research Assistant, Mid-level
Tanner Child
Research Assistant, Entry
Alex Curtis
Research Assistant, Entry
Ethan Moreno
Research Assistant, Entry
Kason Stubbart
Research Assistant, Entry
Joshua Yamada
Research Assistant, Entry
Gent Yong
Research Assistant, Entry
Josh Ware
Research Assistant, Entry
Liz Henshaw
Research Assistant, Entry