Office Hours: By appointment
Bruce Webster is an internationally-recognized expert on information technology, having been an invited speaker at conferences in the US, Japan, Russia, Central America, and the Middle East. He has likewise appeared on TV news broadcasts and been cited in publications such as Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and Barron\u2019s. He has testified three separate times before Congress.
Webster has been involved in developing, delivering, analyzing, and advising on information technology for over 40 years in a broad range of fields, including helping to start up two different software companies. He has contributed to over a dozen commercial software products on half a dozen platforms, acting as chief architect twice. He has served as chief technical officer for two different companies. He is the author of over 150 commercial articles and four books, all involving information technology. He previously taught Computer Science at BYU from 1985 to 1987.
Webster is a Principal at Bruce F. Webster & Associates ( He provides expert analysis in matters involving information technology, with a focus on system development, project failure, intellectual property, web and internet technologies, and software engineering. He has worked with several large corporations, providing advice on enterprise systems architecture, software technology, development methodology, and intellectual property practices. He has also consulted in several dozen legal cases in the United States, as well as in Japan and the United Kingdom. Webster has acted as both an arbitrator and as a neutral expert in IT-related litigation; he has also qualified and testified as an IT expert in federal and state court, as well as in arbitration. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University (BSCS, 1978) and did graduate work in computer science at the University of Houston/Clear Lake City.