The CS Department has budget to support graduate student travel to conferences. To apply, the student’s faculty advisor submits a request after the paper has been accepted.

Approximate guidelines are:

  • Priority 1 ($1500-3500): Tier 1 conference where student is first author and presenter. Tier 1 are top conferences that also have low acceptance rates (roughly <30%).
  • Priority 2 ($1000-2000): Student is first author and presenter at:
    • Tier 1 venue, but in a higher acceptance rate part of the conference (e.g. workshop, alternate paper type, etc.).
    • Tier 2 conference with significant research/networking opportunities for the student. Tier 2 are strong conferences with higher acceptance rates (~30-60%). While tier 1 conferences have highest priority, in some cases a tier 2 venue may be an exceptional opportunity for certain niches of research.
  • Priority 3 (≤ $1000):
    • Tier 1 conference where student is an author, but not the first author.
    • Tier 1 conference where student is not an author.


  • PhD students will in general get higher consideration than MS.
  • A student must still be a BYU student at the time of the conference.
  • Funding will also be based on the effort students/advisors give to decrease travel cost. This includes:
    • Apply for conference, society, and university (link) travel support.
    • Consider being a student volunteer.
    • Consider efficiencies where possible, such as room sharing, more frugal food budgets, etc.
    • If advisor is on a conference committee, they may have access to student support.
  • Funds are meant to augment faculty support of travel. In some cases, priority 1 support may cover the full remaining budget (after efficiencies above) for the trip.
  • Priority 1 acceptances will be funded immediately. Priority 2 and 3 requests are often funded but may be funded later in the year (sometimes even after the conference) after we see how many priority 1 opportunities we have. If we still have funds at the end of the year we may come back and augment previous funding awards.
  • Students may receive more than one travel award during their time here. Students who have not received previous awards will be given precedence.