BYU researchers create algorithm to predict suicidal thoughts in adolescents

November 08, 2021

Dr.Snell Being Interviewed By KSL

If counselors could predict which kids are most likely to commit suicide, they could save lives. Researchers from Brigham Young University, Johns Hopkins and Harvard have come up with an algorithm that predicts suicidal thoughts and behavior among adolescents. Their findings could lead to more effective measures to prevent suicide. (From

“I’ve had close friends that have had suicides in their family. For me, it’s kind of personal that way,” said BYU computer science professor Quinn Snell. “Our lab had been looking at suicidality and suicide ideation for quite a little while.” (Quote from

The team of computer science professors and public health professors was able to pretty accurately predict which adolescents will exhibit suicidal thoughts or behavior. They’re doing the research because it’s important to them and the community. (From

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