ICPC Regional Programming Contest
March 23, 2022

It's still unofficial how many teams from each region will advance, but our team that came in 2nd place will probably go to the North American Championships in late May to compete against the top teams in the US and Canada (there are some really, really good teams there!). Sadly, only 1 team per school can go, so even if they allow a 3rd team from our region, we cannot send both of our top teams... which is heartbreaking given how close the two teams were (only 2 mins!).
BYU Computer Science teams claimed both 2nd and 3rd place in the regional programming competition. Our team in 3rd place was only 2 minutes behind our team in 2nd! We had two really strong teams. You can see the full results (now finalized) here: https://rmc21.kattis.com/standings
Out of 44 teams competing, BYU had 3 teams in the top 8, the only school to have more than one in the top 8.
Here are all of our teams:
2nd Place (10 solved) - Braydon Hunt, Teikn Smith, Lawry Sorensen
3rd Place (10 solved) - Thomas Draper, Tylan McKinney, John Swingle
8th Place (8 solved) - Kevin Kinney, Sterling Larson, Logan Thurman
11th Place (8 solved) - Madison Brann, Kimberly Brown, Joshua Taylor
18th Place (5 solved) - Olya Balashova, Samuel Mera Ricardo, Joseph Scholl
27th Place (4 solved) - Jungjin Cho, Jeonghaeng Heo
29th Place (4 solved) - Forrest Burton, Harrison Winslow