Weekly Seminar: Michael Reynolds
September 18, 2024

When: September 19th @ 11am
Where: TMCB 1170
Talk Title: Technical interview questions, getting a job, and saving the planet!
We will do some practical training on algorithms and explore space and runtime efficiency. We'll briefly explore what to do to get a job including some resume tips and people tips. Finally, if none of that was interesting to you please come and learn how to write efficient code to reduce your code's impact on the environment! These may all seem unrelated, but come find out why they are one and the same.
I graduated from BYU (BS) and University of Washington (MS) and spent 17 years working at Microsoft as a software design engineer. I teach CS452 Data Modeling Concepts, CS393 Advanced Algorithms, CS111 Intro to Computer Science at BYU! I am married and have 9 children. If you have tips on how to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ, please do share - I love to learn from students!!